Remember last weekend when I mentioned going back to base building and avoiding speedy or hilly stuff? Hehehehe.
After a few nights of insomnia this past week, I overslept this morning. Barely enough time to get up, shower, and get to an early matinee Gopher women's hoops game (which we lost by 2 points to one of the worst teams in the Big Ten). Did a few errands and didn't get home until late afternoon, but it was such a beautiful warm (30 degree F) sunny day that I had to get out and do a quick 2 mile spin around Bredesen park.
Got dressed in cotton sweat pants, a cotton T-shirt with a cotton sweat shirt over the top. All cotton. You know - proper winter running attire. Rule #1 officially broken.
On to rule #2. I decided that since I only had time for 1 loop, I'd pick up the intensity. Starting out I decided on a speedy tempo pace. Once I got going, I decided to air things out a little. Ended up keeping my 1600 meter pace for 2 miles. Max heart rate on today's run = 191, with avg = 176 (my running max is 197 last time I tested it a few years ago). So much for sticking with base building and avoiding speed for awhile. It was the fastest I've run since last summer (although slower pace than I remember at that particular heart rate).
Felt good.
Hope to get a longer run in tomorrow. Have yourself a great weekend!
Nice week of rinding so far
1 day ago